Sales Orders feature is available in Sales Pack extension. Sales Order represents a group of products or services with their quantities and prices.
A sales order is a document sent to a customer to confirm a sale before delivering the products and/or services the customer has ordered. They contain the same information as a quote: the list of items (products or services), their prices, taxes, shipping details, etc. In fact, sales orders are quite similar to quotes, but they are a confirmation of the customer’s expressed desire to purchase. From the customer’s perspective, sales orders are useful as they reduce the possibility of human error, and indicate the exact delivery details of the ordered products and services. On the other hand, your employees can use sales orders to improve internal inventory management, to know how many items are produced, delivered and remain in stock. In EspoCRM, sales orders can be either generated from the related quote and opportunity records or created manually by employees.
Sales Order can be created from existing Opportunity or Quote. Each Sales Order can be converted into Invoice. Delivery Orders can be created from a Sales Order.

Printing to PDF
Sales Orders can be printed to PDF. You are able to create multiple custom templates, which include your custom fields and fit your company design.
Sending in Email
Sales Order PDF can be send in email as an attachment. On the detail view, click dropdown next to Edit button and then click Email PDF.
For more detail information about using Sales Orders see documentation.