Invoices feature is available in Sales Pack extension. Invoice record represents a group of products or services with their quantities and prices.
An invoice is a non-negotiable document provided by a company to a customer to collect payment. In fact, it serves as a bill for the customer and is sent before shipping the goods or providing the services. As a rule, an invoice contains the list of items (namely products and services) that must be paid for, their quantity, price, taxes, discount rates, delivery details, and payment terms. In EspoCRM, invoices can be either manually created by users or automatically generated from the quote, sales order or opportunity records. This feature enables businesses to better monitor payments and sales data, and create a perfect impression by crafting professional-looking, branded invoices to customers.
An Invoice can be created from an existing Opportunity, Quote or Sales Order.

Printing to PDF
Invoices can be printed to PDF. You are able to create multiple custom templates, which include your custom fields and fit your company design.
Sending in Email
Invoice PDF can be send in email as an attachment. On the detail view, click dropdown next to Edit button and then click Email PDF.
For more detail information about using Invoices see documentation.