+1 (408) 320-0380

Enhancements: Printing-to-PDF: Ability to print currency symbol. Bug-fixes. All issues: https://github.com/espocrm/espocrm/milestone/62?closed=1 Download: https://www.espocrm.com/download/ How to upgrade: https://www.espocrm.com/documentation/administration/upgrading/

If you don’t utilize portal users in your CRM, you might want your customers (contacts) be notified with an email when a new post is created in the stream of a case record. Create a Workflow rule for ‘Note’ target

Add action ‘Create Record’. Select ‘Note’ entity type. Add field ‘Type’ with the value ‘Post’. Add field ‘Post’ with a text. Specify in formula for the action: Specify a target entity type instead of ‘EntityType’ in the formula, e.g.: ‘Account’,

Enhancements: Import: Multiple email addresses support; Foreign field: Email and Phone field types support; Lead Capture: Ability to view payload data in log; Lead Capture: Ability to disable duplicate check. Improvements: Emails: List loading time optimization. All issues: https://github.com/espocrm/espocrm/m…ne/61?closed=1 We recommend

Nowadays, there exist more CRM solutions available than ever before. Modern CRM providers offer a wide range of features that come in handy for both international corporations and small startups. When it comes to choosing CRM software for your business,

Bug fixes: https://github.com/espocrm/espocrm/m…ne/60?closed=1 Download: https://www.espocrm.com/download/ Upgrades: https://www.espocrm.com/download/upgrades/ From the version 5.6.0 it’s possible to upgrade by running the following command in CLI: php command.php upgrade

Enhancements: WebSocket support; Ability to restore deleted records for admin; ‘Recalculate Formula’ mass action for admin; Ability to mass unlink related records; Ability to view & manage a list of followers of a specific record; Meetings: All-day meetings; Meetings/Calls: Acceptance

Probably everyone who has ever utilized a software developed for public use has found himself or herself in a situation when a specific feature doesn’t work the way it should. Such problems with functionalities are called bugs. One of the

Having appeared only a few decades ago, customer relationship management (CRM) software is considered both the keystone and the foundation of a successful and profitable business company nowadays. Every day, more and more companies and organizations integrate CRM tools and

In the modern era of rapidly developing digital advances, technologies are changing and becoming obsolete every day. Many of them fade away from our memories just as promptly as they appeared in our lives leaving only a trace of nostalgia,