API Before-Save script
A formula script that is called on create and update API requests before an entity is saved. Can be used for custom validation, duplicate checking, and access control. See more in the docs.
Enum options re-use
The ability to re-use options from another field. For enum, multi-enum, array and checklist fields.
URL-Multiple field type
A new field type for storing multiple URLs.

Quick search when adding a field filter
Useful when there are many fields in the filter list.

Release notes
Enhancements & improvements:
- API Before-Save script #2720
- Enum options re-use #2695
- URL-Multiple field type #2713
- Copy to clipboard button #2698
- Memo dashlet #2699
- Emails: Print action #2706
- Email filters: ‘Body contains all’ filter #2708
- Quick search when adding a field filter #2709
- Text filter: Previous search suggestions #2710
- Locking dashboard layout #2717
- Entity Manager custom parameters #2718
- Customizable Calendar & Activities statuses #2723
- Formula:
function #2724 - Formula:
function #2725