- Stream: Auto-follow entity after posting in Stream (configurable in preferences);
- Import: Ability to specify timezone for datetime fields;
- Import: Time format ‘HH:mm:ss’ added;
- In-app Notifications: Mark notification about received email as read once email is read;
- Formula: datetime\diff function enhancement;
- Formula: number\abs function enhancement;
- Formula: Ability to specify custom format in datetime\format function enhancement;
- Case: Email notifications sending with Reply-To address of Group Email Account;
- File field: Supporting sources;
- Phone Number field: Strikethrough if ‘Do Not Call’ is checked;
- UI: New style for modals;
- UI: New confirmation popups change.
Bug fixes:
- Emails from group account not being listed in inbox.
All issues: https://github.com/espocrm/espocrm/milestone/10?closed=1
Download: https://www.espocrm.com/download/
Upgrades: https://www.espocrm.com/download/upgrades/