What’s new:
- Mass Email. Email Marketing.
- Major list view improvement. When navigate back to list view it doesn’t get reloaded.
- Ability to setup a custom tab list in user preferences.
- If an email has any attachment an icon is shown on an email list view.
- Email Filters. Allow to filter incoming emails according to specified criteria. Those emails won’t be imported.
- Email replies now get linked with replied email.
- Added some Inbound Email settings.
- Ability to mark an email as important.
- ‘Last X Days’ and ‘Next X Days’ filters for Date and Datetime fields.
- Import Improvement. ‘Update Only’ import type.
- Import Improvement. Ability to specify criteria by which records will be taken for update.
- Ability to see Calendar of other users. Available from user’s detail view.
- My Activities dashlet.
- Wysiwyg field type.